Sunday 6 October 2013






ANNOR RAIHAN BIN ABD RAHMAN                      09DHK13F1040
NUR EZZATI BALQIS BT ABDUL JAMIL                  09DHK13F1035 
NOOR HAZIRAH BINTI NOOR AZMAN                   09DHK13F1037


Housekeeping can have a hidden meaning implied in the word that is different for each person who hears it. For some people, housekeeping is a perfect memory of their childhood home. Others view housekeeping as a lost art that the present generation doesn't appreciate. Still others consider it a throw back to when only women participated in the home arts. For many, housekeeping is a chore. It means doing something you have to do, when there is so much more you'd rather do. What housekeeping really is, is so much more.

Housekeeping Department Organization Chart:

The organization chart of housekeeping department should provide a clear picture of the lines of authority and the channels of communication with the department.
Housekeeping department chart not only provides for a systematic direction of orders, but also protects employees form being over directed. The chart shows that each employee should take orders only from the person directly above him / her.
Also a copy of the chart should be posted in an area so that all housekeeping staff can see where they fit into the overall organization of the department. Ideally all hotels place the organization chart on ether the housekeeping control desk room or the place where usually the daily briefing happens.



ü  The arrangement of the cellulose gives cotton a good degree of strength, durability, and absorbency.
ü  Unlike synthetics, it doesn't pill, emit static electricity, prematurely age, or trap perspiration.
ü  People with allergies and chemical sensitivity especially benefit because conventional cotton may retain harmful toxic residues.
ü  Highly absorbent - Can absorb and lose water rapidly, quickly removing perspiration from the skin.
ü  Good conductor of heat - In winter it keeps the heat in; in summer it feels cool to the touch and creates a feeling of coolness and comfort.
ü  Easy care for the long-term - Resists dirt and stains, has no lint or pilling tendency, and can be dry cleaned, machine washed or steamed. Withstands high temperatures and yields minimal initial shrinkage. Gets softer the more it is washed, and doesn't fade.
ü  The most hypoallergenic of all fabrics because of its natural protein structure.
ü  An all-climate fabric, silk is warm and cozy in winter, without being bulky underneath, and comfortably cool in warmer temps. Highly absorbent: it can absorb up to 30% of its weight in moisture without feeling damp, so it absorbs perspiration while letting your skin breathe.
ü  Relatively robust and strong - Its smooth surface resists soil and odors well; is wrinkle and tear resistant, and dries quickly. It easily competes with steel yarn in tensile strength.
ü  Takes color well; washes easily; and is easy to work with in spinning, weaving, knitting, and sewing. Mixes well with other animal and vegetable fibers.
ü  Superior breathability
ü  Temperature regulation
ü  Inherent antimicrobial properties



·         Luxurious feel and appearance

·         Wide range of colors and luster
·         Excellent drapability and softness
·         Relatively fast-drying
·         Shrink-, moth-, and mildew-resistant

·         Soft and warm
·         Wool-like
·         Retains shape
·         Resilient
·         Quick-drying
·         Resistant to moths, sunlight, oil and chemicals

·         Strong
Resistant to stretching and shrinking
·        Resistant to most chemicals
·         Quick-drying
·         Crisp and resilient when wet or dry
·         Wrinkle- and abrasion-resistant
·         Retains heat-set pleats and creases
·         Easy to wash


  •         Highly absorbent
  •         Soft and comfortable
  •          Easy to dye
  •          Versatile
  •          Good drapability

·Can be stretched 500 percent without breaking
·         Can be stretched repeatedly and recover original length
·         Light-weight
·         Stronger and more durable than rubber
·         Resistant to body oils

·         Exceptionally strong
·         Lustrous
·         Easy to wash
·         Resists damage from oil and many chemicals
·         Resilient
·         Low in moisture absorbency



·         Houseman / Housemaid sets his trolley as per the standard, like bed sheets in one shelf, towels in another, bathroom amenities in a separate drawer.
·         Maids cart can be compared as a giant tool box, It should be stocked with all the required amenities to complete a complete shifts room cleaning.
·         The maids cart should be spacious enough to carry all the required supplies for one shifts work.
·         The cart should be light weight, easy to clean and easily manoeuvrable.
·         The cart has to be always well organized and well stocked before starting each shift.
·         A well stocked maids cart will avoid unnecessary trips to the floor pantry.
·         The amount of supplies loaded on to the cart depends upon the number of rooms, type of rooms to be serviced on the assigned floor.
·         The carts are normally stocked from the floor pantry.
·         Never over stock or under stock the cart: Overstocking will increase the risk of accidents or damage to the supplies. Whereas under stocking can slow down the efficiency of cleaning because of the regular trips to the floor pantry to collect the required items.
·         Record the items loaded on the cart on the Room assignment sheet.

Few examples of supplies loaded on the maids cart:
ü  Shampoo
ü  Moisturiser
ü  Mouthwash
ü  Foam bath
ü  Sewing kit
ü  Shower cap
ü  Shoeshine
ü  Detergent
ü  Loofah
ü  Disposal bag
ü  Toilet rolls
ü  Tissue box
ü  Soap dish
ü  Bath towel
ü  Hand towel
ü  Face towel
ü  Bathmat
ü  Bed spread
ü  Pillow covers etc.

The cleaning supplies are kept is a separate hand caddy, Below are few items stocked on the hand caddy.

ü  Toilet cleaning solution
ü  Bowl brush
ü  Toilet brush
ü  All-purpose cleaner
ü  Cleaning cloths
ü  Rubber gloves

·         On one end of the cart there will be a bag for storing the dirty / soiled linens.
·         There will be a garbage bag in one corner of the maids cart with a lid on it.
·         Once the shift is over the maids cart / maids trolley to be moved back to the floor pantry and all the shelves to be locked.

Training Summary questions
 Q1. Who is responsible for setting up the maids cart / trolley?
Q2. What should be looked for while purchasing a maids cart / floor trolley?
Q3. Disadvantage of over stocking and under stocking maids cart?
Q4. Give few examples of guest room supplies loaded in cart?
Q5. What is a hand caddy?


ü  An item left behind by guest either in the room or in public area identified by any staff and brought under the notice of Housekeeping is termed as “Lost and Found” item.
ü  There should be one dedicated location to receive lost and found items whether it is found in guestrooms, meeting rooms, public area or restaurants.
ü  The lost items must be secured in a locked closet or area that has highly restricted access.
ü  Employees are instructed to bring items to lost and found area, with valuables receiving immediate attention.
ü  All items received to be recorded in a lost and found register.
ü  All items regardless whether it is valuable, non valuable items and perishable items must be recorded on the Lost and found register.
ü  Items should be put in a plastic bag noting the serial number from the register, place found, date, name of the person found the item etc.
ü  Valuable items like Jewellery, mobile, wallets, laptops, ipads etc. must be stored in a locker.
ü  If the Property management system has Auto trace functionality then put a trace on the guest profile stating the there is a lost item held with the housekeeping department.
ü  Send Email to the guest to notify the guest about the lost item ( as per the hotel policy )
ü  When guest calls up the hotel to ask about the lost item, only the person who maintains the lost and found register should revert to the call.
ü  Once the item is sent to the guest / collected by the guest authorized person an appropriate entry to be made on the system

The lost and found items are classified as follows:

  1. Valuable items.
  2. No valuable items.
  3. Perishable items.

Valuable items :

o    One separate Register is maintained for Valuable lost and found items and the items are kept in a safe Deposit Locker.
o    Valuable items are kept for a period of six months ( as per the hotel policy),
o    If there is no response from the guest, auction to be conducted.
Non valuable items:

o    These category items are kept for three months in safe custody after making necessary entries.
o    If there is no response from the looser till the time, these items are to be disposed off. Eg: To be distributed to the finder.
Perishable items:

o    Perishable nature lost and found items are kept for three days.
o    In case of any quarry and need to keep further is to be done accordingly.

Training Summary questions:

Q1. Explain the term 'Lost and found'?
Q2. What is the process for valuable objects?  
Q3. Where should the valuable items kept?
Q4. Why it is important to record all items on the lost and found register?
Q5. What is the procedure for non valuable items?


The laundry department has a basic cycle of operation with the below steps:-

1.Collecting Soiled Linen.

·         House maid and room boy should strip linens from beds and areas and put them on to the linen chute or on to the soiled linen carts stored on each floor pantry. Staff should never use any guest linen for any cleaning purpose.

·         The house boys should go for frequent rounds on each floors to collect the soiled linen from the linen chute or on to each floor pantry. Supervisors should make sure that the soiled linens doesn't pileup on floor pantry which may cause further soil or damage as there are chances that people may walk on them.

2. Transport Soiled Linen to Laundry department.

·         The linens form the Laundry chutes and floor pantry are carried to the laundry department by trolley. The housemen should make sure that the laundry items are not dragged on the floor this may further damage or soil the laundry.

3.Sorting of Linen and Uniforms.

·         The laundry sorting area of the hotel should be large enough to buffer one day worth of laundry and these sorting of laundry should not cause interfere with other laundry activities.
·         Sort linen and uniforms according to their stains, size, type, color etc.

4.Washing and Dry cleaning.

·         After the linens and uniforms are sorted properly the laundry staff collects the batches of laundry and load them to the washers. It is also a good process to always weigh the laundry items before loading them to the washers, this will ensure that the washers are not overloaded and help to run them in the optimum operation condition.

·         If required the soiled linens are treated to remove stains before the washing process. To reduce operational cost nowadays hotels uses chemicals ( bleaches, detergents, softeners etc.) while washing process to remove stains instead of treating laundry items separately before washing.


·         After the washing cycle is completed the washed items are dried on the dryer. The drying times and temperature vary considerable according to the type type of linen / cloths. 

·         Also always the drying should be followed by a gradual cool down process to prevent the hot linens from being damaged or wrinkled by rapid cooling and healing process.

6. Folding of Linen and Uniforms.

·         Even though a lot of flooding of linens are now automated, the hotels still do a lot of folding by hand. While folding the linens the laundry attendants should also look for any damages occurred to them while the laundry process.

·         The folded items are then stored and stacked properly according to batches. The finished laundry items should latest rest for 24hrs. as this will increase their life


·         For 25 years Prestige has been providing luxury hotel laundry services to leading Metropolitan area hotels. As a result of this in-depth experience, we know firsthand about the unique challenges that hotel managers face daily. Prestige puts this deep knowledge to work, providing professional consulting and related commercial laundry services for a wide variety of On-Premise Laundry (OPL) Management projects.
·         On-Premise Laundry (OPL) Management Services have been established to assist OPL managers in their day-to-day operations, while helping to reduce costs and serve as a backup commercial laundry service facility.  Many Prestige clients utilize our OPL services when evaluating the cost and impact of shutting down commercial laundry service operations.

On-Premise Laundry (OPL) Management Services provide:
·         Custom formulas are developed according to specific requirements to avoid the linen and equipment damage caused by using too many chemicals
·         Backup support in case of a commercial laundry service facility shutdown, need for maintenance, valet services or support in case of a laundry associates' absence
·         On-site laundry management services, including a friendly resource for OPL managers to get advice on production benchmarks or work-flow questions
·         New equipment purchasing assistance
·         Mechanical repair services for all equipment
·         Large discounts for hotel laundry service purchases made through our purchasing department
·         Prestige-branded luxury linen, terry and household goods manufactured with RFID (radio frequency identification) tags